Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Results....

It's like a breath of fresh air. My alarm went off just as I was vacuuming the last few corners of my bedroom. I even managed to pull the last few summer/fall clothes out of my closet and pack them away for the rest of the winter. My bedroom has been restored to "haven" status.

Here are a few "before" pics:

And here are the "after" pics:


Janet in Toronto said...

I, also, tackled my master bedroom (and bath). I didn't clean very much, but put away all kinds of things that had gathered there over the holidays and did a general tidy up. My timer beeped when I was heading downstairs to store my wrapping paper containers in the basement where they belong.

Jennifer Feddersen said...

Great job, Jannie!

What are you going to tackle tomorrow?

Did you get outside for a walk?

Janet in Toronto said...

I walk every day with the dog for 20 minutes, so I figured that counts.

Tomorrow, my two teen sons and I will tackle their bedrooms and their bathroom. They don't know about this yet, though!

Jennifer Feddersen said...

Yeah - don't tell them in advance, whatever you do. The complaining can be more exhausting than doing it yourself.

My kids do help a lot, though....